
there are many things you may have to experiment and experience for yourself,
but this definitely isn’t one of them…
before you would have withdrawn a finger from the flame, your whole being would have been engulfed– ablaze in an inferno of hardly quenchable fire…
so abstain from anything that stains the soul.
Lust is a luring liar, parading as love until you see it for what it is when the dust settles,
It may make its entrance with a saintly appearance, sweet to the taste, good to the touch, but with an ugly aftertaste.
immorality taints your soul
it gives it a foul tinge
memories of dancing and engaging with lust are bound to haunt and taunt you,
they are sure to reappear to guilt and tempt you to relapse and keep you in a loop.
lust tints and fogs your heart,
It corrupts and sears your conscience
It defiles and pollutes your body
it contaminates your spirit and distorts your perception, perverts your mind to morph into a mess of more perverse, impure and inappropriate tendencies and acts
It enslaves you , makes you an addict unable to resist or cope
It ties you up as one who habitually indulges in self-ruin
Beware of lust …


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