what I think and feel.

.thou art my type.

Humanly speaking, seeking a love interest is a pretty discriminatory act,
as much as people would pretend that it isn’t and gloss over the fact, it is (a discriminatory act)
It’s more like ignoring a whole populace of people you could be interested in and choosing to adore one, for reasons that majorly only you know,
maybe their appealing appearance; which people believe to be a superficial measure/criteria for choosing a mate, maybe it’s certain traits they possess– some virtues and qualities, abilities and talents that make them stand out in your eyes. Some thing about them that makes you fancy them, something that makes you prefer them over a vast number of people who might desire and love you. You sacrifice all else to be with this person and to you it will be worth it, a great deal, a good bargain. nothing to regret. I insist in saying that love is a discriminatory act, because why else would I choose one at the expense of the rest? — and yet this discriminatory element is what makes romantic love so special and beautiful…


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